Saturday, November 3, 2007

Harvest Carnival...Halloween 2007

Harvest Carnival was a blast here in Oki. It was a lot of hard work, seeing it was Foster's first time to host one, but it worked together GREAT. People had a blast and were filled with goooooood chili dogs:) and yuuuummmmy was a time with great booths and sweet music...overall you could see it in everyones faces that it was just a total blessing to have a free carnival with so much to offer, and such good food too=] FYI: the big buff guy in the pik is.....Big Nate he rocked Pauls prison and arrested people left and right, he was rocking the verses and was a great help.

Foster Chapel Kids

For the past month we've been able to help out at the foster base chapel in their kids ministry. It was to just have a chance to hang out and share with these kids the word of God. As you can see in the pictures we had a lot of fun posing in our glasses we made for craft. Next We'll be at Futenma base helping them out with their nursery. The fun continues=]